AQShda dafn masalasi

AQShning Illinois shtatida O’zbekistonlik vatandoshimiz bandalikni bajo keltirsa, qilinishi kerak bo’lgan muhim ishlar.  Ulardan biri: Muslim Funeral Service, Inc. 4380 N Elston Ave Chicago IL 60641.  Phone: 815 549 9400 Fax: 888 339 9449 Email: Bu tashkilot vakillar odatda vaziyatga qarab qilinishi kerak bo’lgan ishlar va tayyorlanadigan hujjatlarni tushuntirib berishadi. Va o’zlari kerakli hujjatlarni deyarli barchasini tayyorlashadi. Marhumni yaqinlari faqatgina ular bergan ariza (application)ni to’ldirib berishlari kerak ni imomi Sizga yo’l-yo’riq ko’rsatadi.  GoFund uchun yoziladigan text.  Assalomu Alaykum Chikago va AQShda yashayotgan yurtdoshlar va vatandoshlar. 1966chi yilda tug’ilgan milatdoshimiz Ulug’bek Nazarov 4chi Dekabr kuni to’satdan vafot etdilar. Akamizzi joylari jannati bo’lsin. Ularning oila a’zolariga sarb tilaymiz.  Ulug’bek aka AQShga ikki yil oldin kelib, yaxshi niyyatlar bilan yuk mashinasi haydovchisi (truck driver) sifatida ish boshlagan edilar. Qisqa vaqt ichida juda ham ko’plab do’st va birodarlar ortdirdilar. Turmush o’rtoqlari va bir qizchalari bilan Illinois shtatining Palatine shaharchasida yashayotgan edilar.   Mayyitni o’z ona yurtlari O’zbekistonga yuborish uchun oila a’zolarini imkoniyati bo’lmaganligi bois, sizning yordamingiz juda ham zarur. Alloh yo’lida savob uchun o’z ko’nglingizdan chiqarib mablag’ yig’ishga yordamingizni ayamaysiz deb umid qilamiz. Har qanday hayr-ehson uchun juda ham minnatdormiz. Agar moddiy yordam ko’rsata olmasangiz, iltimos ularning ruh poklariga duo qiling.  “Albatta, biz Allohnikimiz va Unga qaytarilamiz” (Qur’oni Karim, 2:156).  Iltimos, ushbu xabarni boshqa shtatda yoki mamlakatda yashaydigan millatdosh va vatandoshlar bilan bo’lishing. Olloh rozi bo’lsin!  Hurmat bilan,  UAAC Kengash A’zolari Dear Compatriots who currently reside in the United States of America:  We are saddaned by the sudden death of Mr. Ulugbek Nazarov (born in 1966). He died on December 4th, 2019 and the cause of his death is under investigation. We express our condolences to his relatives and wish them lots of patience.  Ulugbek Nazarov immigrated to the USA two years ago to find his own American dream. He recently started working as a truck driver. In a relatively short period of time, he managed to have many friends in the Chicagoland. He lived with his wife and daughtet in Palatine, IL.  We are fundrasing to afford the costs of transporting the body of our deceased brother to his native country – Uzbekistan. We are asking for any donations possible to help with the cost of the transportation arrangements. Please help where you can: we are extremely grateful for any donations –  big or small. If you cannot donate, then we ask that you pray for his soul. May Allah accept your prayers,  In shaa Allah. “Indeed, to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.” Holy Quran 2:156 Please share this post via social media with other compatriots.  UAAC Board Members I found Below Copy from one of the Janaza Funerals. Please take a look.  In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. No one besides Allah can rescue a soul from hardship- Holy Quran 53:58 We are fundraising to afford the costs of a funeral for Ryan Alexander Gregory. A loving husband, brother & dear friend whom we sadly lost to sickle cell anemia (SCA) at the young age of 29 on 10th September 2019. Growing up in foster homes, Ryan lost touch with his parents and was separated from all his siblings at a very young age. At the age of 18 he had to learn to support and fend for himself and his friends soon became his family. We are those friends who watched him grow from a teenager to an adult man and together we are pulling the few resources we have to give our dear Ryan the sendoff he truly deserves. We love and miss him very much. Ryan battled with SCA his entire life having to experience unpredictable and periodic episodes of unbelievable pain called crises. During a crises the pain was that unbearable for Ryan that was unable to speak, and it was clear to see how physically and emotionally tired he became over the years as most of his life was spent in and out of hospitals. He was an intelligent individual with so much potential and yet SCA prevented him from living the normal life he very much desired and deserved. And yet he was the epitome of humble, never letting this get the better of him. He put on the bravest smile every day and even whilst in pain he would make jokes or find a way to laugh and lighten the mood. He was a selfless and positive individual who never complained and was always grateful to Allah SWT for the simple things in life. And so we are asking for any donations possible to help with the cost of burial arrangements to support his family during this vulnerable and sad time.  Any surplus money will go towards charity on his behalf and also to support his partner.  Please help where you can, we are extremely grateful for any donations big or small. If you cannot donate then we ask that you pray for his soul. May Allah accept your prayers In shaa Allah. “Indeed, to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.” Holy Quran 2:156 Please share this post. Thank you

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